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Rotten Rivers

Updated: Jun 21, 2024

It's London Rivers Week from June 22nd - June 30th; consequently it seems a good time to mention a recent report in The Guardian about the state of the country's rivers - new data shows that there is a sewage pollution crisis in the UK's waterways. To read the article and to see how polluted the rivers are near you, click here.

Part of Save The World Club's mission is to promote positive environmental action and empowerment, so if you care about the issue of raw sewage in our rivers, here's a list of ways you can help that we found on The Rivers Trust website.

Moreover, if you're interested in the health of our waterways, there's a number of environmental organisations working locally you might like to get involved with: South East Rivers Trust; Kingston Friends of the Earth; Kingston University Biodiversity Action Group; Citizen Zoo.

And if you believe that the Government should take action to stop sewage pollution in UK rivers, why not add your name to a petition on the Greenpeace website:

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