
업 사이클링은 당신과 함께 시작됩니다
이제 재분배, 재사용, 수리를 위해 매립 될 방대한 양의 구조 물품을 저장하고 창의적인 물건으로 업 사이클합니다.
워크샵, 회의, 우간다로 수출하는 단체에 기부 할 물품 분류, 공예 행사, 심지어 이틀 동안 영화 스튜디오 세트로 전환하는 행사를 주최합니다!
우리의 최근 추가 사항은 Fullcycle 과 제휴하여 일류 자전거 재사용 시설을 설치하고, 빈곤층에 배포하기 위해 오래되고 버려진 자전거를 업 사이클링합니다.
출처 :
월 ~ 금 오후 4시 ~ 오후 8시
휴무 토요일
4 pm-8pm 일요일
5과 칠턴 작품
칠턴 드라이브
Surbiton KT5 8LS
Berrylands 기차역 뒤, 드라이브 끝. 큰 파란 문이 있습니다
Find us at: 18 Southsea Rd, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2EH
Weekday: 12 - 7pm
Saturday: 2-6pm
Closed Sunday and Bank holidays

What we take, terms and conditions.
Things we can't accept as donations
(We start with this because it's faster than saying what we do accept)
Used protective equipment
Car seats, bicycle helmets, etc) - We can't be sure these haven't been in a crash or incident that may compromise the equipment. They may also be counterfeit knockoffs and we are unlikely to be able to discern the difference.
Used Underwear
We cannot accept used pants, socks, bras etc. These aren't things people will get second hand.
Cookers & Washing machines
Anything that needs a professional to install using: Electricity, Gas or Water we can't take unless specifically inspected before detaching. We need to be able to test it's in working order or is within our expertise to repair if damaged.
Things we do accept:
Clothes, electronics, toys, cookware, furniture, books, DVD's. Basically, anything not listed above that's in good enough condition someone else would want it subject to our Terms and Conditions.
Terms and conditions
All goods intended for donation MUST be inspected by a volunteer prior to being accepted. This is to ensure we can use whatever you give us. If it's damaged and we can't repair or upcycle it, it costs the charity money that we could use to help others to recycle it appropriately.
We reserve the right to refuse any donation if the team believes we would struggle to find it a new home.
We reserve the right to refuse service. Our team are volunteers and need to be respected, they're giving their time for free. If you cause them to feel unsafe or argue with them, we may ask you to vacate the premises. In extreme cases this may include refusing service in future.

Want to book our community kitchen?
Reach out!
+44 7962 231 830 - Warehouse (during open hours)
+44 7389 074 128 - Des

Community Fridge